Biogas plant Vettweiß
Thank you Guido. That’s how we know you. So we’ll do the talking. The bio methane feed-in plant Vettweiß (North Rhine-Westphalia) went operational in December 2012. Following the one in Neukammer (Havelland), it is the second largest feed-in plant we’ve built so far...
Biogas plant Schuby
Thank you Mr Schwarten, that’s what we like to hear! And, of course, we’re delighted that our customers are still happy with us after such a long time. In 2004 at the “Schuby” biogas plant, we installed for the first time an innovative mixing unit for the...
Biogas plant Randkanal Nord
We at bioconstruct are happy to be part on this coherent project by RheinEnergie AG. The biogas plant Randkanal Nord feeds 1.2 MW of natural energy into the public power grid. This covers the power demand of 3,000 households. At the same time, the plant produces heat...