Welcome to bioconstruct
There’s an area in central Germany – in the town of Melle, Lower Saxony – that is the Silicon Valley for renewable energies. It has offices, a research & development centre, a workshop, a crops testing field and much more. It offers a place for small ideas and space for grand visions. People here invest for the long term and reap the profits every day. It is a region that produces not only green energy, but also the right vibes. And these vibes ensure a long-lasting warmth.
Our world
Straw manures
The animal waste from livestock holdings is becoming increasingly interesting for biogas production. By recycling the methane in a biogas plant, it doesn’t end up in the atmosphere any more. This leads to large reductions in carbon emissions, and farmers can cash in on these reduced emissions at very good prices by trading biogas on the fuel market. Simply ask us and we’ll tell you in detail how it works.
Bon silage! Silage is made up of grass cuttings or chopped maize crops and is a significant element of the feedstock for many biogas plants in Germany. If you want to find out more about how maize is used in biogas plants, click here! In any case, the large ‘mountain’ on our property is always worth a visit. DIRECTIONS
Where others might turn up their nose, we rub our hands together and see an opportunity. We work together with farmers to turn animal waste into gold – figuratively – in the form of valuable biogas energy. Farms will start seeing benefits from having their own biogas plant when they have 300 livestock units, i.e. roughly 300 dairy cows, or more. Get in touch with us and we’ll help with your considerations.
On-farm biogas plant
For over 20 years now, we’ve not only constructed anaerobic digestion (AD) and biogas plants but also operated them. We’re involved in over 20 projects – some of which we operate by ourselves, though the majority in partnership with farmers. Such arrangements let everyone play to their strengths and, as a result, make good money.
If you wish to know how a biogas plant or AD plant works, we sincerely recommend watching our film on the subject. It’s become a classic in the 15 years since it was made.
bioconstruct head office
Our headquarters in Melle, Germany. It’s where we manage and direct the spread of green energy for the world – with the world’s best vibes as well. We’re in the middle of a leafy, green area and yet are still easy to reach, with the A30 Autobahn just seconds away! DIRECTIONS
Power station
This is where things get hot! After the gas created in the biogas plant has been purified of undesirable hydrogen sulphide and cooled down to 4°C to release its water vapour, the biogas is combusted here in combined heat and power (CHP) systems, or cogeneration units. These cogeneration units are none other than very large gas engines that have horsepower running into the hundreds and are connected to a generator. The engine drives the generator and produces electricity. Simultaneously, it must be cooled down with lots of cold water. The hot water that is a by-product of this can be used for heating.
Greenhouses are an ideal partner for biogas plants. Firstly, the cultivation of plants such as flowers or exotics requires a great deal of heating, which can be produced at low cost in biogas plants (see ‘Power station’ on the left). Plants also need carbon dioxide to grow. The CHP exhaust gas that comes from biogas plants contains methane and, most importantly, the carbon dioxide that was stored in the feedstock, so this carbon dioxide can be transferred directly to a greenhouse through a pipe.
A bioconstruct client from Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany has achieved a great partnership with a rose grower. You can find the details here.
At some locations, it’s impossible to make good use of the heat generated by a biogas plant. To stop heat from being produced in large volumes at such locations, organic Rankine cycle (ORC) systems are integrated into the combined heat and power plants. They use the thermal energy found in the exhaust from the CHP plant to drive a turbine based on a thermodynamic process. This turbine produces power, which can result in the CHP plant’s capacity rising by about 10%.
We’ve implemented this technology at facilities including the Redefin plant in our testimonials. If you wish to read more about the technology, here’s the right page for you.
Biogas plants – construction site
Everything under one roof without cost or interface risks – we’re an experienced plant manufacturer and general contractor who can be by your side and deliver an entire plant, starting with excavation and infrastructure work and finishing with a successful test run, and even with a guaranteed gas yield if desired. We’ve delivered over 300 turnkey projects with amounts of more than €25 million invested per individual project. Only bioconstruct can offer you this level of experience. Have a talk with our experts.
Tractor with tank for fertiliser sprayer
Putting organic matter into anaerobic digestion creates biogas and – from that – electricity, heating and fuel. This alone is genius in itself. What is truly amazing about using biogas, though, is that it creates closed-loop nutrient cycles. The portion of the biogas plant input that is not converted to gas is called ‘digestate’. This fermented product contains vital, high-quality nutrients needed for plant growth, making the digestate ideal as a fertiliser. Digestate from animal waste in particular is perfect as it’s pH-neutral and its odour becomes much less. You can find more background information in the biogas guidelines published by Germany’s Agency for Renewable Raw Materials (FNR).
Digestate treatment plant
Industrial biogas plants often produce significant volumes of digestate that sometimes need to be transported over long distances. Treatment plants for filtering or vaporising the digestate can be built to cut down on such long-distance transport. They turn digestate into clean water that can be fed into sewage plants or even bodies of water. They also turn digestate into a concentrated fertiliser of such high quality that it can even be bagged up and used in gardening centers. Digestate treatment plants are very complex and require detailed planning which we would be happy to support you with. SERVICES
Bio-LNG fuel
For many freight carriers, liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a prime option for improving their fleet’s carbon footprint. This footprint becomes significantly better when using LNG that has been obtained from biogas. It would be our pleasure to advise you on how you can profit from your biogas in the fuel market. We’ve been active in this market for a considerable time now and have our own plant for it.
bioconstruct summer party
Once every year, our focus lies on our littlest team members. At our annual summer party, staff bring along their families and relatives for a major celebration – with bull riding, bouncy castles, human table football, ‘field surfing’ and crate climbing. Every four years, we treat all primary-school children from Melle-Riemsloh to ice cream and bratwurst and hold a rally through our research and development centre. You couldn’t think of a better way to start the energy revolution.
Power grid
Power grids were originally built to transport electricity from a large, central power plant generating multiple gigawatts to consumers in a star-like distribution pattern. Today, the job of a power grid is to ‘collect’ the power produced by smaller plants across wide areas. Power is often generated in locations where it’s not needed. To do their job, grids require significant remodelling and until this remodelling is completed, ‘virtual power plants’ can ensure that only the amount of power that is needed is put into power grids. Virtual power plants involve wind turbines, solar systems and biogas plants being controlled intelligently and connected to each other. website of our partner, Next Kraftwerke.
Albert on his favourite bicycle
E-bikes, cargo bikes, mountain bikes? Yessir! Take your pick using JobBike and start pedalling with our specially programmed app, BioCycle. The more you ride, the more affordable your bicycle will be and the more good you’ll do for nature and your body! Read more about this under BENEFITS
Industrial biogas plant
What we do involves fermentation at its finest. Our biogas plants run like well-oiled machines. Project development, planning, turnkey plant construction, management and service & maintenance are all offered under one roof with our greenteam. We’re one of the world’s market leaders, with over 300 biogas projects completed.
Biomethane upgrading plant
Biomethane upgrading plants produce biomethane so pure that it can be injected into the gas distribution network right at the plant. To achieve this quality, the carbon dioxide and other trace gases are removed from the biogas before it can be injected. Once in the natural gas grid, it can be taken out again anywhere in the gas network – preferably at large heat users such as swimming pools or hospitals. This allows climate-neutral heating, even when the biogas plant is hundreds of miles away.
If you’re also planning a biomethane plant, speak to our experts. We have the right solution for any application and have completed numerous gas injection projects in the past.
Food processing plant
We transform rubbish into premium content! Any waste that’s produced goes into our biogas plants. In the UK in particular, we’ve built numerous plants that process waste and converts it into green energy on an industrial scale.
Waste reception building
This is where waste is made into energy. Our industrial biogas plants are multitalented facilities. Featuring shredders, presses, separators, macerators and washing equipment, we can process even the most-difficult of feedstock substances, such as organic waste, packed food items and organic industrial waste, in such a way that we can transform it into energy at our biogas plants. We’ve previously brought more than twenty of these waste-to-energy projects to completion on an industrial scale. We would be delighted to show them to you at the example of the Imperial Park biogas plant.
Electric vehicles
We offer EVs as company cars too! They recharge with power generated on site from biogas or solar energy.
Housing estates
We supply climate-neutral heating to entire housing estates near our head office in Melle-Riemsloh and numerous other biogas plants. This heating is created from the incineration of biogas at a combined heat and power (CHP) plant. It comes in the form of copious volumes of 85°C water, which is pumped to houses through insulated pipes. Accordingly, we’re able to supply heating to over 500 households with just one medium-sized biogas plant of 500 kW. The homeowners help protect the climate whilst paying a cheaper price than they would for heating oil or natural gas.
green Energy
green energy is what our product is all about. Solar energy, wind energy and biogas are used intelligently in our plants, helping to make the world cleaner.
Great vibes
‘Great vibes’ is how to describe our atmosphere.
Our interactions are marked by a friendly openness. We approach challenges with curiosity, support each other and respect everyone just as they are individually. When it comes to our work, we don’t need to be told to have fun. The fun comes naturally.

The vibes? On point!

Sabrina Hoffmann,
Commercial Manager at bioconstruct
‘Hello! I’ve worked at bioconstruct for almost 20 years now and am still just as happy to be working here today. My job is interesting, varied and, most importantly, appreciated. It’s not a problem to work from home and I really liked that I could adjust my personal working hours when I came back from parental leave. As a result, my working hours allow a good work-life balance.’

Christian Grotholt,
CEO of 2G Energy AG
‘We have been constructing renewable and decentralised energy generation systems together for more than 10 years. Thanks to the low resource consumption of our 2G devices, we contribute to sustainable energy supply in Germany as well as abroad. High-efficiency, grid-stabilising and carbon-neutral energy generation has a more-relevant role than ever. We are happy to be pursuing shared objectives with bioconstruct and look forward to many more valuable and sustainable projects with you.’

Chris Negus,
Head of Business Development at Privilege Finance
‘Since 2016 we have been successfully working with Bioconstruct on 11 anaerobic digestion plants with a total investment of over 70 mil GBP net. BioConstruct has always delivered, in an ongoing continuity, the high demanding & complex EPC projects in a superior quality, at a competitive price, and in time and within the agreed budget.’
There we are …
Total tonnes of carbon emissions prevented
by our biogas, wind energy and photovoltaic projects